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Third Party Vector Source

This example renders vector tiles using a third party vector tile source.

In this case, Mapillary provides the vector tiles, which are added to the map using VectorSource.

import React from 'react';
import { MapView, Camera, VectorSource, LineLayer } from '@rnmapbox/maps';

const styles = {
  mapView: { flex: 1 },
  lineLayer: {
    lineCap: 'round',
    lineJoin: 'round',
    lineOpacity: 0.6,
    lineColor: 'rgb(53, 175, 109)',
    lineWidth: 2.0,

const defaultCameraSettings = {
  centerCoordinate: [-87.622088, 41.878781],
  zoomLevel: 10,

const tileUrlTemplates = [

function ThirdPartyVectorSource() {
  return (
      <MapView style={styles.mapView}>
        <Camera defaultSettings={defaultCameraSettings} />
        <VectorSource id="mapillary" tileUrlTemplates={tileUrlTemplates}>

export default ThirdPartyVectorSource;
